West Nile virus, the mosquito-borne viral disease once totally unknown in the Western world, has as of August 15, 2003, spread from Maine to Florida, Washington D. C. to the California and every state except two in between. At this writing only Oregon and Nevada have not reported active verified cases. West Nile virus was first reported discovered in the United States in 1999 in New Yorks Long Island City, Queens. It reportedly claimed the lives of seven people and caused serious illness in over 60 others in nearby New York and New Jersey. Since that time there are well over 200 reported deaths and over 4000 reported cases. This serious disease, surrounded in unanswered questions, had all but disappeared from feature media coverage until the twin sensations in 2002 involving the Blood borne transmission, from one human to another, of the virus. The first of those focuses on a transfusion/organ transplant incident involving a woman in a hospital who received Blood from over 60 donors. Yes, believe it or not, 60 different donors! She died in Atlanta on the first day of August, 2002. Her organs were subsequently put in the donated organ pool. Those infected organs passed along the deadly virus. The second, an incident in Mississippi where a woman who received 18 units of Blood during an obstetrical procedure in July, also became infected. These are tragedies that cry out for a quality explanation. Last year, the record that claims only 23 people were found to have been infected with the West Nile virus through Blood transfusions. To this date, the mainstream media finds the West Nile virus story to be too much work to report. This endemic emergency gets mere mention, rarely. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported a new experimental (August 2003) screening that process flagged 163 Blood donations infected with the West Nile virus. This shows that the West Nile virus can be effectively screened. That is 163 infected Blood donations out of only 1000 units tested! It seems to us here at BloodBook.com that the majority of those in the media and their supervising editors are content to compose their reports from FAXes issued, and the web site updates posted by, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta. That is the easy and cheap way out for the media as they unquestioningly present the material provided by the Blood establishment. We feel that this reporting technique does not serve the public well. Following, in no particular order, is a list of questions to which we would like quality answers. Each question is based on information submitted privately and anonymously to BloodBook.com or on reports that we have seen, needing some follow-up. At the end of each question is a button to submit the answer and the source thereof. Media Information Request Form HERE. Questions that the Media MUST Get Answered INQUIRY - It has been widely reported that the organ donor in the 2002 'transplant incident' had "received Blood transfusions before death from over 60 donors." QUESTIONS ON THAT SUBJECT - Please submit quality answer(s) HERE. INQUIRY - We read that "the donated organs in that incident may have transmitted the West Nile virus to the recipients of those organs." QUESTION ON THAT SUBJECT - Please submit quality answer(s) HERE. QUESTION - How long was the organ donor at the scene of the accident before being placed in an ambulance and transported to the hospital? Please submit quality answer(s) HERE. QUESTION - Is there a written plan to cope with a West Nile virus outbreak? Is there a national plan? Are there regional plans? Where can a copy of these plans be found? Please submit quality answer(s) HERE. INQUIRY - The West Nile virus did not originate in the United States. What does the international community have to contribute? QUESTIONS ON THAT SUBJECT - Please submit quality answer(s) HERE. INQUIRY - We read that "mosquitoes carry the West Nile virus" to humans, cats, dogs, horses and other animals. QUESTIONS ON THAT SUBJECT - Please submit quality answer(s) HERE. INQUIRY - We are assured that the "Blood supply is safer than it has ever been." QUESTIONS ON THAT SUBJECT - Please submit quality answer(s) HERE. INQUIRY - We read that "Blood samples are being tested in Fort Collins Colorado." QUESTIONS ON THAT SUBJECT - Please submit quality answer(s) HERE. QUESTION - Are there alternatives to Blood transfusion? If so, what are all of them? Please submit quality answer(s) HERE. Media Information Request Form
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