The BloodBook.com team is pleased to have the opportunity to provide this ever-growing resource source of easily understood information about Blood, Blood tests, Blood testing, Diseases and Disorders. There is a lot of information here. We have come to the realization that just because we may know where to find a particular bit of information on this web site, it may not be as easy for everyone to do the same. Following are some navigation tips for the BloodBook.com web site. At the top, click HERE for a word about spelling for our many friends and visitors to BloodBook.com from the United Kingdom. This web site has recently changed its appearance. All of the quality content remains. BloodBook.com is best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer and the most current versions of other web browsers. It is optimized for a screen resolution of 800 x 600 pixels and utilizes JavaScript and graphics. For a detailed specification of what BloodBook.com is sending out, and for a complete list of what is needed to best receive and view BloodBook.com, click HERE.
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There is a "Chapter Titles" page that can function as a map of active web site pages, and also it provides an overview of the structure and content of the entire web site, chapter by chapter, page by page, as published and revised for viewing on that visit. Look for links to some of our 'housekeeping' and other helpful pages at the top and bottom of the home page, and at the bottom of many of the other pages. For information regarding new material of consequence, the latest important revisions to content on BloodBook.com or timely events or issues that may be of particular interest, check out the "What Is New" Page. There are some rather special
members of the BloodBook.com family, each with a particular area of service. You will
encounter these 'individuals' as you move around BloodBook.com. Learn to look for them;
they will help you find the information needed. Now may be a good time for an
Now for some of the finer points. BloodBook.com is presented in a "windowing" format. Rather than navigate from page to page, as you click on an icon or page link, a "minor" or "child" window will open to display the selected page, paragraph or notation. BloodBook.com provides hundreds of pages. This page opening technique allows the viewing of several pages at one time, and since each viewing normally starts at that same left side navigation column, there is less chance of getting lost. To ensure that our visitors always know where they are on the site, we provide some aids to help with navigation. Following here we have provided some examples.
When your mouse
pointer "hovers" a picture or a graphic image (
An "active" word opens a window containing a chapter or a picture or informational connection. This word is colored differently than other words in the body of text on that page. Also, you may have already noticed, as you place your mouse over the colored word, that word becomes underlined. That underlined word or phrase is a link to a pertinent resource. Examples of the different colors used here in navigation: LINK NOT YET VISITED and LINK ALREADY VISITED. An ACTIVE LINK, in addition to the appropriate color, will become underlined when touched by a mouse pointer. If you are lost in one of the branches of BloodBook.com, we advise you to repeatedly click on the "BACK" button on the upper left of your browser control panel. If you see that you have a window that is open, and covering the source or "parent" (underlying original) page, you can click on the Big "X" Button in the upper right corner of the covering window. Another way to close the "covering" page is to click on the close window area at the top right of the page, and the window will close. At very bottom of every page is the " Last updated 01/10/2002 bloodbook.com " tag, that will tell you exactly when that particular page was last modified. If you cannot find what you are looking for, try our Search page or the SEARCH box at the top of the Home page. There is also a link to the Search Page on the upper right Navigation Bar of the Home Page. Additionally, there is a search function on each of the more complex and lengthy pages. A link to the Search Page is also found under the "Help and Community" area of the left navigation column, near the black stripes. To look for a specific word or subject, click your mouse cursor on "Edit" on the toolbar at the top of your browser. Then click on "Find in Page" (Netscape) or "Find (on this page)" (Explorer). In the window that opens, enter a word for what you wish to find. The spelling must be exact. Leave the "Match Case" box blank. The BloodBook.com web site is
divided into the following functional areas, each found on the left navigation column,
highlighted with the red
Up Front - Under
this heading we find topics that introduce us. We want you to know more about
BloodBook.com and how to get the most out of it. Also, here we provide you with a glimpse
of some of the realities of the Blood Business. Blood Information
- Under the Blood Information heading there are several sub headings..... we seek to
convey information on Blood in general, Blood Types, Rare Blood and some detail on the
stark facts of Bad Blood. Giving and Getting Blood
- Under this heading we find topics that detail what to expect when we get Blood and when
we give blood. Here we begin reviewing the facts about the safest blood that you can
have..... your own. Blood Testing -
This grouping of chapters details Blood testing options. We outline fully the great
benefits to each of us of annual Blood tests, and much more. Links - This
heading covers groupings of handy links, by category. Resources - Here
is gold mine of BloodBook.com. Reading lists and more! Forms and Paperwork
- Grouped here are representations of
the various Forms, and a view of some of the paperwork commonly seen in Blood related
situations. Help and Community
- The place on the BloodBook.com where we
mutually exchange views on the various topics and situations common to Blood. Answers to Questions and general feedback at BloodBook.com:
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